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Fremont, CA: The hiring process today looks nothing like it did ten years ago. Even processes developed two years ago require refinement. With the average cost per hire exceeding $4,000, one cannot afford to depend on yesterday's hiring tactics to find quality candidates today. That is why it is critical to examine a company's current process and implement new recruitment strategies. As a result, one will be able to find qualified candidates who are not only good for one's patients but also a good fit for one's company.
Below given are two innovative healthcare recruitment strategies. Let's have a look. Revitalize Branding A company brand is more than just a logo and how one presents oneself in person — though both are important. It is a company's culture, values, in-person and online messaging, goals, and how its employees and patients perceive it. If a company has not updated its brand in a few years, potential hires may consider its practice to be out of date. This can harm the company's reputation and prolong the recruitment process as it seeks candidates who are enthusiastic about its practice. Employers need to keep in mind that their brand extends across multiple platforms, from their website and social media to the look and feel of their waiting room. Everywhere candidates look, they should see the same message. Evaluating Advantages and Compensation Packages The healthcare industry is experiencing a minor crisis: there are more open positions than available workers. As a result, the hiring process has become extremely competitive. And, whether one likes it or not, employers must provide benefits that are more appealing than their competitors. However, this does not imply that they must hire someone at the highest possible salary. By evaluating a company's benefits and compensation packages, employers can update outdated policies and introduce new benefits that will appeal to their target audience. Employers need to make sure to promote this technology as a benefit of working with the practice. Quality candidates want to know that they care about making their jobs easier.